055. Embodied Healing: Exploring Somatics with Khrissie

Season #2

The long awaited somatic episode! I cannot wait for you all to tune into this one :) I really loved connecting with Khrissie and her beautiful work of releasing emotions through the body. If you feel disconnected to your body or like your body is trying to speak to you whether through dis*ease or some sort of symptoms, somatics might be a piece of the puzzle for you. 

We talk about: 

✨ The way dis*ease shows up in the body 
✨ Her healing journey and what brought her into doing this work 
✨ What does Somatic mean & debunking what it's not 
✨ Ways in which emotions store inside the body and the importance of release 
✨ Nervous system regulation and the simple ways you can do it 

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Khrissie's journey unfolds from her youthful resilience and creativity, navigating through personal challenges that forged her deep empathy and artistic passion. Earning a graphic design degree was her first milestone, which seamlessly transitioned into a profound exploration of healing and self-discovery. The pivotal moment came when she was deeply and emotionally numb in 2020 and became certified in somatic activated healing, unlocking a world of joy, balance, and freedom. This transformative experience highlighted the significance of nurturing our inner landscape to be able to express our suppressed emotions, feelings and limiting beliefs for a life that feels aligned to our soul.

Today, Khrissie's path is a vibrant tapestry of design, branding, and healing. Her commitment stretches beyond individual guidance, touching lives globally, such as her impactful work in Nepal. As she delves deeper into her role as a medicine woman in the divine feminine and ancestral healing, her online workshops and somatic classes with clients across the world empower women, creating a community of strength and inspiration. Her story is not just one of overcoming but of flourishing, inviting others into a journey of creativity, healing, and empowerment, all shared over the warmth of chai lattes.